Thursday, September 30, 2010

War Eagle!

Kamron got a thrill over the weekend.......he got to go to Auburn for the weekend with some friends.  They stayed in a camper on the Auburn campus and went to the game.  He got the full tailgating experience and love every minute of it.  Here are a few pictures (remember a 10 year took them with his phone, so not the best quality).
Auburn Marching Band



Cam Newton

Kamron at the Tiger Walk

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chez Ami Holiday Trunk Show

Tuesday, October 5th
6:30 pm
at My House
140 Horseshoe Bend Road
or if you cannot make it you can look online at
and let me know what you want to order
you can email me at

I am it...........

I was tagged to answer the fall question, so here goes.....

Fall Questions...

1. Do you like Starbucks? I don't drink coffee, but I do love the hot chocolate, and I do love to smell startbucks coffee.

2. How do you decorate and prepare for Fall? I have already put out all of my pumpkins and pumpkin spice candles, this is my favorite time of year.....and since my sis is moving don't yall think she needs to let me use her fall decor for my new house yea I think so too.....

3. Will you participate in your college's homecoming activities? Well I really don't think my college has a homecoming

4. What is your favorite Fall clothing item or accessory? My boots, love my long socks (I actually have a pair on today), love my big warm sweaters

5. What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? I really don't remember what I ever dressed as, I remember going and having a ton of fun.

6. Do you like Halloween/Horror movies? No way they make me have nightmares

7. What is your favorite Fall activity? Love the pumpkin patch, love having pumpkin carving with the family

8. What is your favorite Fall recipe? Pumpkin dip with ginger snaps!!!! So wished I had some right now.

Quick questions...

1. What movie coming out soon are you looking forward to seeing? Life as we know it, looks like it will be good
2. What will you miss most about Summer? The warm sunny days
3. When do you start your holiday shopping? When I can afford to, so normally it is the week of Christmas LOL
4. Favorite exercise/activity? I love to go walking now that it is cooler.
5. Best book you've read lately? Have not ready anything but 1st grade AR books in quite awhile
6. Do you make your bed every day? I try to but sometimes I don't have time, but I do have to straighten it before I get in it.
7. If you could choose a personal chef or a personal shopper, which would you choose? a chef and if i could pick i was say Bobby him
8. Which TV show are you most excited for this Fall? GREYS ANATOMY WHOOOHOOO!!!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010



Thursday, September 23, 2010

He always comes when you need him......

Ok yesterday was a bad day for me.  Satan was trying to get my mind because of some things that has happened lately.  I was trying so hard to fight him off but having a battle.  I tried praying all day yesterday, and he still kept coming.  While I was ironing church clothes, I begged God to send me some help.  When we got to church Satan just kept on me, all I could do is let the tears roll....I felt like a big ole baby.  Bro. Alton got up and read and was talking about trials and temptations, and that we could not make people live this way, all we could do is make it for ourselves.  He did so good, and it was just what I needed to hear.  Then Satan bout had me glued to my seat, and I heard a sister say that she told her son that if he didn't get up and testify about what Satan was on you about then he wouldn't flee from you, so I got up and "confessed".  And the good Lord sent me the help I needed. Praise the Lord he came by one more time.  I am so thankful I have him to call on!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I am thankful too........

After I read Cassie and Drea's blogs, I decided I would keep the thankful train a chugging!!!  Reading those blogs really helped me today.

I am so thankful for my husband, because he is my best friend and I am not sure that I could live without him!

I am thankful for my kids, they keep us going.

I am thankful that the Lord has helped Keelie this week again.  Her nerves are better and he helped her through an asthma attack yesterday.

I am thankful that gave us house that is home and is full of peace.

I am thanful that we both have good jobs. 

I am thankful for a understanding boss that is ok when I have to leave to care for my kids.

I am thankful that I still have my Dad and Mom, and that he has helped them thus far.  And for all of my crazy brothers and sisters.

I am thankful that he has always supplied our needs.

I am most thankful that he has had mercy on my soul and kept me up until now.

Now if I could just be thankful like this daily and keep my mind on good and thankful thoughts!!!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Praise the Lord!

My last post was asking ya'll to pray for Keelie.....well Friday was the worst day she cried and latched on to me like I was never going to see her again.  Sunday morning we had her prayed for and several people annointed her and laid hands on her, and Sunday night several people laid hands on her.  Monday morning she was very reluctant to get out of the car and she started crying again.  Finally she got out and her teacher let her email me later in the day to tell me she had a great day.  Yesterday I had to walk her to her class because once again she was very reluctant, but again she emailed me and told me she was having a great day.  Well this morning, we never even talked about getting out of the car or what kind of day she was going to have.....she just hopped out of the car and said by mom I love you and just went right into her class.  Thank you lord!!!!!  Me and my mom keep telling her that she has a little angel on her shoulder that will watch over her and keep her safe.  I pray that the lord will continue to put his hand on her shoulder and help her through this.  Our next step is sleeping in her own room again!!! :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Needing Prayer!

Well I don't know where to start......I am writing today to ask everyone to please pray, and hopefully to relieve my mind.  For about the past 2-3 months now, Keelie has not been sleeping and has started crying at night because she is scared.  I found out on Tuesday that she has been crying at school for the past few days as well.  For anyone that knows Keelie this is totally unlike her.  She is a spit fire most of the time, nothing bothers her, nothing scared her, and she is totally Ms. Attitude!  Well know seems to be having "Panic Attacks".  She has become extra clingy.  This morning when took her to school, she would not get out of the car, so I had to walk her in, and then she cried for about 15 minutes and latched on to me like I was leaving her in a den of lions or something.  So needless to say I cried and she cried.  This is not my normal crazy wild 6 year old.  We got her out on the front Wednesday night at church and hands went on her and I just knew that she would snap out of this.  So if you think of saying a prayer for her today me and her both would really appreciate it.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Pretty Excited!

I know it is bad when the highlight of your day is when you go grocery shopping and see how much you can save.

Me and Marty decided that we would go to Publix last night and shop together, we have never done this before and we had tons of fun....even though we took up the aisles LOL!

There were tons of deals and I stocked up on some things.  I spent $238.66 and paid $117.65 a savings of $121.01.  WHOOHOOO!!!  I was excited.  Here is my receipt (or part of it, its too long to get the whole thing)